1 Talking 'bout Minecraft Sat Feb 05, 2011 9:58 am
Spectrum is My Best Friend
(video content isn't really the point but some of its good to watch certainly)
He ACTUALLY liked Minecraft! :O Love Minecraft, listening to his reviews is great
He's not kidding about giving yourself a project to do, if you like the kind of game that has a specific purpose that you follow along and enjoy the yellow brick road it paves out for you, this game isn't for you, because it doesn't have that, at all, literally. The only reason you even have to do anything whatsoever in the game is because monsters spawn in the darkness and want to kill you, so you need somewhere safe and a means to kill them when necessary. Other than that though, you can do anything you please, build anything you've ever wanted to build.
Personally I find it has a double satisfaction involved in its Sandbox method: Accomplishment and Freedom.
Accomplishment because of the hard work it takes to actually go about gathering materials and actually making stuff.
Freedom because you can do just about anything you want to do, Floating Castle? Underwater Farm? Underground Empire? Go for it!