But, of course, it resorts to war.
Firstly, there is an Avatar movie coming out, based on the anime series. But it's different as you have already established.
Secondly, it seems a bit like star wars because it's made by the same people - giving it a star wars feel.
Thirdly, the technology that this movie uses is absolutely INSANE!!
The film was waiting to be made while the director waited for the technology to catch up with the idea - they couldn't make the film because computers weren't good enough. BUT NOW!!
The conventional way of making an animated film is to make a scene, from one camera angle, and then let it play out while recording. This film however, does it differently. It's like a game. They create a scene, the director chooses what's going to happen, they but it all in place, and 'press play'. They can then go anywhere in the scene with the camera, like you would with a game, or just a normal 'real life' movie. So really, this is all 'in game' footage you could say.
And of course, the movie will = awesome.