1 New Item: Spellshards [Combative] Sun Dec 26, 2010 10:21 am
Spectrum is My Best Friend
Released with 2.0 this item gives nuker heroes an option for empowering their spells and or countering a bit of Magic Armor
Total Cost : 2575
+6 Intelligence
+17 Damage
+10 Attack Speed
+75% Mana Regeneration
3 / 6 / 9 % Reduced Cooldowns
Any Magic Damage dealt ignores 2 / 4 / 6 of the enemies' Magic Armor
Spellshards will stack with a Magic Armor reducing effect, however, it can only ignore the targets armor down to 0 not lower and the Magic Armor reduction effect is calculated first.
5.5 Magic Armor is the base starting armor.
-5 Magic Armor reduces it down to 0.5
Ignoring 2 Magic Armor only reduces it down to 0 as it can't go lower.
Any hero with an abundance of Magic Damage finds can probably find use for this ability, Pyromancer and Thunderbringer are good examples.