That's because the morning after pill isn't an abortive drug.
It is a quick way of stopping ovulation and/or fertilisation. It may also stop the egg implanting into the endometrium.
Abortion is termed after implantation. So it will not abort the baby.
There are soooo many people who think it is the case, they will go into the pharmacy asking for it, expecting it to do something it won't. The pharmacist must ask the woman a series of questions and counsel her to know exactly what it is all about.
There are 2 things I believe.
1. The Morning After Pill is not contraception. (It is but let me explain
). A woman should never ever rely on emergency contraception as her first choice of contraception EVER. It screws around with your body because it is a HIGH dose of hormones to stop ovulation. As a pharmacist, I would never reject a woman of these pills, but I have to put my thoughts aside to help her. That is when I would have to council her about the risks of doing this and try to get her on proper contraception.
2. Abortion is not something to be relied on either. For someone who has done everything in their power to stop themselves from getting pregnant and they can't have the baby for whatever reason, I am for abortion, but people who are careless about it all, I really don't feel any sympathy. (Though having a baby should never been seen as some of punishment).