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1Abortion Empty Abortion Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:12 am



What is your thoughts on abortion?

I'll start off with one aspect.

If a woman is raped and becomes pregnant, should she be able to get an abortion?


2Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:15 am


Spectrum Addict
I say yes to that question.


3Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Sun Sep 05, 2010 9:58 am


Millennium Bug
Anyone should be allowed to have abortion if they want to imo.

4Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Mon Sep 06, 2010 2:01 pm


Spectrum Addict
Anyone can do it. They should have the right too.

5Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:10 am


i believe abortions should not be allowed, except in cases where the mother needs it for medical reasons or has been raped.

my reasoning being that every human life has an unknown potential to do many things and no one has the right to remove that potential from the world without good reason. the reason i make an exception for medical and rape is because we do not know what potential the child has but we do know how it will affect the mother.

I am also aware that the system needs to be fixed a great deal before abortion is no longer a better choice than adoption.

6Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Fri Sep 10, 2010 10:21 am


Spectrum Addict
Contraception should always be the first option in my opinion - abortion is not contraception and it shouldn't be thought of as contraception. It's surgery, and is often quite a traumatic experience for the mother (or the not-mother...), not to mention the foetus (particularly if it already has sensory nerve endings, which means it can feel pain).

I personally side with the pro-choice school of thought, simply because I don't feel like I have the right to dictate to another woman what she can and can't do with her body.

What do you guys think about the morning-after pill? Some say that it is a type of abortion. Personally I don't agree, I don't believe new life starts with conception, but that's just my opinion.


7Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:10 pm


That's because the morning after pill isn't an abortive drug.
It is a quick way of stopping ovulation and/or fertilisation. It may also stop the egg implanting into the endometrium.
Abortion is termed after implantation. So it will not abort the baby.

There are soooo many people who think it is the case, they will go into the pharmacy asking for it, expecting it to do something it won't. The pharmacist must ask the woman a series of questions and counsel her to know exactly what it is all about.

There are 2 things I believe.
1. The Morning After Pill is not contraception. (It is but let me explain Razz). A woman should never ever rely on emergency contraception as her first choice of contraception EVER. It screws around with your body because it is a HIGH dose of hormones to stop ovulation. As a pharmacist, I would never reject a woman of these pills, but I have to put my thoughts aside to help her. That is when I would have to council her about the risks of doing this and try to get her on proper contraception.

2. Abortion is not something to be relied on either. For someone who has done everything in their power to stop themselves from getting pregnant and they can't have the baby for whatever reason, I am for abortion, but people who are careless about it all, I really don't feel any sympathy. (Though having a baby should never been seen as some of punishment).


8Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Fri Sep 10, 2010 1:22 pm


Millennium Bug
Anyone should have the right to abortion no matter the case, denying someone of their right to abortion is just wrong because it is taking away one's freedom. Having a baby isn't a punishment because there is nobody punishing you (unless you got raped), but it can still be seen as a bad thing if the mother can't afford to look after the baby.

9Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Mon Nov 08, 2010 5:54 am


Getting Known
I'm Pro Choice, and to quote Dogma "Whatever a woman does with her body is her own ****' business!"

10Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Mon Nov 08, 2010 6:22 am


Millennium Bug

11Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Mon Nov 08, 2010 8:34 pm

Earthworm Jimbo

Earthworm Jimbo
Getting Known
Do you guys think it matters WHEN the abortion is performed? For instance, the fetus has 3 stages of growth (trimesters) with the first being 0-12 weeks, second being 13-28, and third trimester being 29-40 weeks into the pregnancy. Also, something to think about is that with present day advances in medical technology, a fetus has a pretty high chance of surviving with a premature birth at the start and within course of the 3rd trimester.

I know in WA you're allowed by law to abort into the third trimester solely under the condition of the fetus having a severe birth defect verified by 2 physicians. Not sure if that includes the woman's life being at risk also, although I suspect it does because its common sense. However, here in the US, its absolutely illegal to perform any abortion once the 3rd trimester sets in only UNLESS the woman's life is at risk.

Personally, I think abortion should be made legal regardless of the number of weeks the mother has been pregnant for since they're respected and autonomous individuals. The "its her body so its her decision" argument is one I think few people can bravely argue against. Another question is, should a doctor be forced to perform an abortion for their patient upon request? What should they do if they refuse? Chuck the patient out of the office due to personal beliefs?

12Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 2:49 am


Being a doctor, you are supposed to throw your personal believes out the window to help anyone.


13Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 4:06 am

Earthworm Jimbo

Earthworm Jimbo
Getting Known
Yeah, that really should be the case. Funny thing is, in my ethics class from a couple of years ago, they taught us that while a doctor is within their rights to decline providing a certain service (abortion), the correct thing to do would be to at the very least have the patient provided with resources on how to obtain that service (referral to a doctor/clinic who will).

14Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 7:50 am


Yeah, we have the same "deal" with pharmacists, especially those who don't want to give out the morning after pill.


15Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 8:26 am


Spectrum Addict
Psychs have the same thing too. Like if a client presents to a psych because she's going through a divorce and so is the psych, the psych should refer her on.


16Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 11:52 am


Millennium Bug
What's wrong with a psychologist helping someone with their marital problems while they are going through similar problems? Isn't that a good thing, seeing as the psych would understand more where the person is coming from...

17Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:01 pm


No, because it brings their personal life into it. They will we relate it too much to their situation when their patients would be that much different.


18Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Nov 09, 2010 12:18 pm


Spectrum Addict
If it happened in the psych's past it would be useful, but if it's happening then it's an ethical issue.


19Abortion Empty Re: Abortion Tue Dec 14, 2010 12:35 pm


Everyone should watch this