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1Joseph Tyler Jonathan Tucker Empty Joseph Tyler Jonathan Tucker Sun Mar 14, 2010 1:42 pm


Took The First Step Towards Spectrum Addiction
Name: - Joseph Tyler Jonathan Tucker.

Nickname: - Joey.

Sex: - Male.

Age: - 22 years and 11 months.

Birthday: - 23rd July.

Height: - 5’8

Blood Type: - O positive

Eye Colour: - Hazel, leaning towards brown.

Hair Colour: - Chocolate brown.

Mantra: - Do to others as you would have done to you.

Quote: - “You can’t spell slaughter without laughter!”

Powers: - Since he first discovered them at the age of twelve, Joey’s been experimenting with his powers of Pyromancy whenever he gets the chance. Due to this he’s quite advanced in his usage of it, especially since he's been in combat.

Description: - Joey’s life was relatively simple. He showed great promise in school, and joined the military at an early age. He was pulled out of combat training just before his eighteenth birthday however, and was transferred to the United States Military Academy at West Point. From there-on out it was just a series of military stationing all over the globe, but eventually managed to piss off his superior so much in one place that he got fired.

Annoyed at this, Joey became a mercenary, a gun for hire looking for a way to make some money. He joined up with Spectrum rather recently, and hasn't been on many op's. However, the few he has been on have proved him more than capable of handling himself in combat situation under pressure, a quick thinker, and most of all, a joker. This guy'd laugh his ass off at a bad joke, barely five minutes after seeing a man torn apart from the inside out for the first time. Laughter is his medicine.

Appearance: - He’s kept in shape over time, but nothing above average for a soldier. Nothing really remarkable, apart from a nose which you can tell has been broken more than once before, if you look closely.

Armour: - Joey wears black demin jeans, a vest-shirt, and above that a black hoodie. On his hands are two brown "hobo-"gloves, which were given to him by a good friend. Around his neck he wears a rope necklace with a ring on it. Apparently he's "looking for the right person to give it to".

Primary Weapon: Welrod - look it up.

Secondary Weapon: A very simple combat knife.

Equipment: - A very small laptop, which can do remarkably a lot for its size.

Personality: - Joey is an optimist. He does everything he can to make people laugh, and lighten the mood, however at times he’s prone to very deep, philosophical statements, which can get to be rather annoying, after a while. His curiousity often gets the better of him, and he’s only kept in his place by pure common sense. A.K.A: The average rookie.

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