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1DOTA 2 TIPS Empty DOTA 2 TIPS Wed Sep 26, 2012 2:26 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
I play a lot of DOTA 2 (almost up to 100 hours total)...

I thought i'd write a little guide for people who are interested in the game, but might not necessarily call themselves "good" at the game.

This is for all the nubs and wannabees out there...here are some tips to make yourself a better DOTA 2 player...



-Feeding: This means you are getting EXP and leveling up or the enemy is getting EXP and leveling up. You can be getting fed or you can be feeding your enemy.

-Lanes: These are the 3 main paths on the map. There's a top lane, a mid (middle) lane and a bot (bottom) lane. Top and Bot lanes have two people, unless someone is in the jungle. Mid lane will always only ever have one person.

-MIA: Missing in action. This is called when you don't know where the enemy is. If an enemy on your lane leaves and you can't find them, call MIA + which lane to warn your team of wandering enemies and ganks.

-Courier: These little animals can be bought in the shop and will carry items to you if you can't make it back to base. Helps cut down on running back and forth from your base.

-Team Fights: These occur when everyone on the team fights together.

-Creeps: These are minions on both teams who will run the lanes and attack other creeps, opponents and towers until they get killed. They are your main source of EXP. There are 3 kinds of creeps (Melee, ranged and catapults)

-Neutrals: These are creeps who don't fight for either team and won't attack unless you get close or attack them. They are imperative for junglers and can get you a lot of money quick.

-Rosh: Rosh is short for Roshan. He is an epic mob on the map marked by a symbol near the middle that players can kill to grant them an item of immortality. This item can bring you back in the same spot you died almost instantly, but disappears after one use. Roshan will respawn after a time and stopping the other team from killing him will be handy.

-Pushing: Pushing on the lanes is helping your creeps make it to the towers so they can attack. The entire idea of the game is pushing the lanes to make it into your opponent's base. You can't push the lanes unless you have creeps or your other teammates so don't try to do it yourself.

-Jungling: This means you are staying in the jungle area to kill neutral creeps instead of being on the lanes.

1.) Find a hero that suits your play style...

-So there are a TON of heroes to play as in DOTA 2. I haven't counted, but there are tons and more coming with each update. Finding a favorite hero is not a difficult task. The most important thing you need to know, however, is what your hero's role is. There are a lot of things the heroes can do. What's unique is that the heroes have multiple roles such as...

*Carry - These are the guys getting all the kills. Their main role is to level up as quick as possible and bring the pain to the enemy, hence the name "carry", they carry the team basically. They need lots of EXP and GOLD to get to higher levels and to get the best gear. Generally, you want two of these on a team. A good example of a carry is Luna. Leveled up properly and with the right equipment, she is a force to be reckoned with. She is also my main Laughing

*Support - These are self explanatory. Support are the guys who aid everyone else with buffs or healing. They are really important to the team, especially if they can heal, so it's always good to have one. Too many supporters isn't the best thing though. Sometimes one is enough. A good support example is Necrolyte. Not only does he heal, but he can do some damage.

*Nuker - These are the guys with the monstrous spells that just rip the place up. Expect these guys to hit everyone in the area with their ultimate attacks. A good example of a nuker is Lina. A successful gank by Lina can mean bad things for the other team with her powerful spells.

*Disabler - These are self explanatory as well. Disablers do the disabling. They disable abilities of the enemy like silencing, slowing movement or straight up stunning your opponent. In a team fight, if someone tries to run, a disabler can stun the enemy so someone else can swoop in and get the kill. Puck is a good example of a silencer. Sven is a good example of a stunner. Crystal Maiden is a good example of a slower.

*Lane Support - These are also self explanatory. Lane supporters support their lane and help the creeps get to the towers to attack. Earthshaker is a good example of this. There aren't that many of these in the game.

*Initiators - These guys are the first ones into the fray. They're main goal is to throw the dirt into the enemy's eyes and initiate the team fight. Venomancer is a good example of this role.

*Jungler - Junglers are expected to farm neutral creeps. This means they should be in the jungles on the map fighting the creeps that don't play for either team. An efficient jungler can become incredibly powerful and rich over the course of the game. Ursa is a good example of this role.

*Durable - These guys are your tanks. They are supposed to take a lot of damage, but not necessarily dish it out. Their most important trait is their health, so level it up as much as you can. Tiny is a good example of this role.

*Escape - This role is self explanatory. These heroes have a great ability to escape an unexpected fight. When used right, these heroes can get out of almost anything with their special abilities. Storm Spirit is a good example of this.

2.) Knowing what your character's abilities are is invaluable. Before the match, read up on what your character can do so you don't need to spend time during the match reading up on what ability does what.

3.) The point of each game is to make it into your opponent's base and destroy their ancient (the central point of the base). To do this, you need to punch holes in their defense by destroying the towers along the lanes. This is best accomplished with creeps (the little guys who run the lane). The towers will fight back so having creeps around you while attacking a tower will force the tower to attack the creeps and not you. The towers hit hard so don't stay around too long if you are running low on creeps near the tower.

4.) If you don't think you can take an enemy in a fight, don't do it. Early on in the game, it's completely non important to rack up kills. While the enemy won't be that powerful early on, neither will you and if you get jumped by two enemies, you aren't getting away that easily. The most important thing for anyone is to play it safe, that means staying near your towers if necessary or avoiding all team fights until you are leveled up enough to survive.

5.) Money makes the world go round in DOTA 2. When you die, you'll lose a good chunk of your money so staying alive is all the more important. Killing creeps, neutrals, towers or other heroes gives you money to spend. Not only can you buy from your base's shop but there are two secret shops on the map that contain powerful items for a hefty price.

6.) If you aren't sure what to buy, just follow the suggested items at the shop and buy those. Some characters need certain stats upgraded in order to be effective (initiators need health) and the suggested items will do a good job of this. Knowing the items, however, will help you out greatly later in the game since your inventory won't be filled up by suggested items. Items, just like abilities and roles, have a use too so knowing what they do can help you out a lot.

7.) Team fights can be very tough if you are new. Knowing where you need to be will help you in the long run. Supporters and range attackers should stay back while the melee, carry and initiators should be up in the enemy's face. If you are getting slaughtered in the fight, there is no shame in running away. If you think you are under leveled or not powerful enough, don't go to the fight. It might annoy someone on your team, but it's better than getting killed and powering up your enemy.

8.) Auto attacking is a general way to kill creeps and hurt your enemies, but learning to control that attacking can help you out a lot. You don't necessarily need to be auto attacking creeps and killing them to get EXP, just being close to the kill will grant you some EXP, whether you got the kill or not. Just auto attacking the creeps can get you overwhelmed by everything on the lane. Auto attacking can be a double edged sword too as your character, by default, will automatically attack if an enemy gets near them, while standing still or running away. This can get you killed a lot. Remember, there is an option in the Options menu that allows you to turn off auto attacking. Use it wisely...

9.) Stay with your team. There will be a point in the game where you need to stay with your teammates to stay alive.

10.) Bot games are an incredibly effective way to learn a new character or practice an existing favorite. You don't need to jump into games against other players if you don't feel you are ready. The bots aren't exactly on the level of other players, but they will put up an effective fight. Just watch out for those stuns...

11.) Play for fun. If you aren't having fun, what's the point of playing?


Last edited by MisterBright on Thu Sep 27, 2012 7:14 pm; edited 2 times in total

2DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Wed Sep 26, 2012 3:55 am

Grunt Attack

Grunt Attack
Double Century
Thats lot of expert advice right there Razz

3DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Wed Sep 26, 2012 10:54 am




4DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:20 pm


Double Century

>250 hours played, more willing to teach you in game then try and advise through text, it will never teach effectively.

5DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Wed Sep 26, 2012 12:24 pm


Double Century
MisterBright wrote:Some of them can even turn invisible. Storm Spirit is a good example of this.

Rethink this a tad Smile

6DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Wed Sep 26, 2012 4:54 pm


Official GE:S Clan Member
Mickle wrote:
MisterBright wrote:Some of them can even turn invisible. Storm Spirit is a good example of this.

Rethink this a tad Smile

I don't need to...

7DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Thu Sep 27, 2012 9:01 am


Double Century
Storm spirit only goes invis if you get him a shadow blade...

He has 0, and I repeat, ZERO default invis abilities.

Sure you don't mean any of the following; Riki, Bounty Hunter, Nyx Assassin, Treant Protector?

8DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Thu Sep 27, 2012 4:48 pm


Official GE:S Clan Member
That was taken out of context...those two sentences had nothing to do with each other. All the paragraphs about the roles end with an example of the role, that is how I set it up and that is how people would read it, especially after multiple paragraphs set up that way. Storm Spirit is an example of Escape, not invisibility...

I even fixed it for you...

You can teach people through the game all you want, but you can only teach so many people at once. I can give general tips from my experiences to dozens of people who might be interested. They can take those tips into a bot game or even a real game with more success than waiting around for someone to tell them what to do in game (probably in text, unless you have a mic and the other person can hear you), wasting time and probably feeding the other team a bit. No one is holding a gun to anyone's head, forcing them to use these tips.

Yeah, they will still need practice to get better, but they don't need anyone but themselves to do that.

9DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Fri Sep 28, 2012 1:28 am


Double Century
We have, if I can tell right, less than 10 Dota 2 players.

I don't know about you, but I can teach that many.

Also, I was aware the sentances weren't connected, however others may not have been.

Note. "When used right, these heroes can get out of almost anything with their special abilities. Storm Spirit is a good example of this." Much nicer in showing them.

10DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Fri Sep 28, 2012 6:00 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
Mickle wrote:We have, if I can tell right, less than 10 Dota 2 players.

I don't know about you, but I can teach that many.

Also, I was aware the sentances weren't connected, however others may not have been.

Note. "When used right, these heroes can get out of almost anything with their special abilities. Storm Spirit is a good example of this." Much nicer in showing them.

Sentences, not Sentances...

11DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Fri Sep 28, 2012 7:19 am


Double Century
MisterBright wrote:
Sentences, not Sentances...

Right, so now my spelling is an issue?

Thanks man, means loads.

12DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 1:35 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
Mickle wrote:
MisterBright wrote:
Sentences, not Sentances...

Right, so now my spelling is an issue?

Thanks man, means loads.

It doesn't matter what form we decide to try and teach people through, it will always come down to the person trying to learn to get good themselves. We can only give them a push forward...

And on that note...it was a very silly typo to make...

13DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 4:13 am


That's enough. I don't care about spelling here. This isn't school.

From MY experience, DotA players are all very different in the way they play. YES, there is the core skills, but still. There is a lot of opinion thrown in there.

Just stop hacking at people's necks and talk about the game you love instead.


14DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 6:34 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
Emilia wrote:That's enough. I don't care about spelling here. This isn't school.

From MY experience, DotA players are all very different in the way they play. YES, there is the core skills, but still. There is a lot of opinion thrown in there.

Just stop hacking at people's necks and talk about the game you love instead.

Emilia...we were having a lovely conversation before you came in...why u gotta be a downer...

15DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:38 am


I think you guys were being the downers.

Now back on topic.


16DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:51 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
Emilia wrote:I think you guys were being the downers.

Now back on topic.

We weren't being downers...we were playfully discussing the act of teaching people to play DOTA 2...it was like a tickle fight...

17DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 8:37 am


Double Century
MisterBright wrote:
Emilia wrote:I think you guys were being the downers.

Now back on topic.

We weren't being downers...we were playfully discussing the act of teaching people to play DOTA 2...it was like a tickle fight...

I hardly call this friendly discussion anything but that...

18DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Sep 29, 2012 7:23 pm


Official GE:S Clan Member
Ok fine back on topic...

19DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Oct 06, 2012 6:45 am

BoBo -.-

Took The First Step Towards Spectrum Addiction
y dota?? isnt lol better than dota?! or the same thing i guess =O

20DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Oct 06, 2012 8:23 am


Double Century
BoBo -.- wrote:y dota?? isnt lol better than dota?! or the same thing i guess =O

Oh god, the pain to my ears.

Please research before saying such silly things :3

Note. LOL is more or less only gank orientated (gank here meaning gang up and rape really) whereas Dota requires much more thought on high level play, items can effect heroes more, creeps can be denied to lower opposing teams experience, etc etc

Generalising as hard as I can here, but to put it nicely, I despise LOL for its "ease" in a sense to me, slightly too casual for the most part

21DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sat Oct 06, 2012 7:01 pm


Official GE:S Clan Member
BoBo -.- wrote:y dota?? isnt lol better than dota?! or the same thing i guess =O

Those are fightin words...

22DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sun Oct 07, 2012 3:59 am


Double Century
MisterBright wrote:
BoBo -.- wrote:y dota?? isnt lol better than dota?! or the same thing i guess =O

Those are fightin words...

Hey now, calm down Mr bright, we're all 'friends' here Smile

23DOTA 2 TIPS Empty Re: DOTA 2 TIPS Sun Oct 07, 2012 4:06 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
DOTA 2 TIPS 35pq79

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