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1CTF Arena Empty CTF Arena Sun Oct 09, 2011 4:24 am


So, I made a fenced off CTF arena. There's a little red house and a little blue house, on opposite sides of quite a large, fenced area. In the red house is a chest containing three apples. In the blue house is a chest containing three lapis lazulis. My rules are:

1. No using the teleport cakes in the rooms to teleport straight to the opponent's base.
2. A plugin I just installed, MobDisguise, may be used. For this, all players must be opped. Any commands other than the MobDisguise command are totally banned.
3. You must carry the opponent's 'flag' to your chest - ONE AT A TIME.
4. Upon capture, you must inform everyone by chat. An admin (from whichever team) will then TP to you to confirm, and TP back.
5. PVP is, as always, turned on, and you are totally permitted to kill an opponent. I might put the beds in a neutral middle ground, so that a kill in a base won't just result in the person respawning right next to their flag.

After some playtesting, there will probably be some more rules, but I think that Spec City is becoming quite the fun place. Oh, and I upped player limit to 8, possibly 10 soon if we can handle it Smile

Oh, and often, after taking the teleport cake to the red base, it is right in the middle of a missing chunk. Log out and in again and it should be loaded fine Smile


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