MatchID 32977354..
Bit of a wonky hero selection from both sides ... eventually I end up with Deadwood. I go mid, get bloodlust, later get killed by Devo. Bot goes well with two carries, top not too bad with two supports (Don't ask me why we did this). After a while I start getting quite the positive KDR, until..
(~13 mins) I roam their forest for a bit, looking to gank top. Devo comes along and hides in the trees for god-knows why, likely to try and gank Jereziah. I come along and get Devo to use his ulti on me ... Jereziah comes along and helps me out, I stun Devo and Pollywog as well, then ulti devo. Sand Wraith ports in with his ulti and starts to try and take us out ... Pollywog traps me with his tongue to help.
Jereziah then comes in and heals me, dealing about 25% of the squishy heroes' HP in damage and healing me for about the same amount. I stun a millisecond before Pollywog hexes me, but it's too late - they're trapped. The hex expires and I net myself a triple kill with Jereziah's help.
..He was a **** awesome support, that Jereziah.