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1Is It Sexist? Empty Is It Sexist? Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:51 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
So i'm reading through a thread on The Escapist where a user wanted to know if something was Sexist. It struck me as very curious and I was interested in what people thought...


The Story

Basically, this guy wants to go to this week long seminar that could be really benefit him for his desired career. The problem is that it's quite expensive because he would need a hotel room to stay at.

He has 3 "close" friends who are going and they've decided to split a hotel room 3 ways. All 3 of his friends are females though and he is a male. He went to his friends and asked if he could share their hotel room, helping to pay of course.

This guy has been pretty good to his "close" friends as well, giving them rides to campus in the city and back home, even taking them places they might need to go with no ask of financial compensation (making them pay for gas).

His "close" friends told him they didn't want to room with him because he was a guy and they were girls, one friend going out on a limb by saying "What if we wanna walk around in our bras and panties?" His friends are uncomfortable sharing a hotel room with him because they are women and he's a guy.

My Views

Vanilla answer: Sexism shouldn't be the thing questioned here. What really should be questioned is friendship between these people. No, it's not sexist.

Complicated answer: It's a lot more about the friendship than anything, not sexism. The whole line about walking around in bras and panties from the one friend was a big thing for me because it seems like an incredibly stupid reason. I think they just didn't want him there, plain and simple.

These so called close friends of his are being pretty **** friends in my opinion. He needs to reevaluate who really is his friend and who isn't.

Here's the original thread if u wanna read it for yourself...
Is it Sexist?

What do you guys think?

2Is It Sexist? Empty Re: Is It Sexist? Thu Jan 31, 2013 3:42 am


Official GE:S Clan Member
MisterBright wrote:
Complicated answer: It's a lot more about the friendship than anything, not sexism. The whole line about walking around in bras and panties from the one friend was a big thing for me because it seems like an incredibly stupid reason. I think they just didn't want him there, plain and simple.

These so called close friends of his are being pretty **** friends in my opinion. He needs to reevaluate who really is his friend and who isn't.

I Agree with you Mister, I'd say this is more exclusion than anything else, but not sexism, Just because there isn't any real discrimination, Just some awkward feelings between them. I Guess the girls could feel a little nervous because he's a close friend, and he might think their friendship is "something a little more" If you know what i mean. but that's just my 2 cents.

Great find, It's little scenarios like these that make you think about yourself.

3Is It Sexist? Empty Re: Is It Sexist? Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:40 am


Double Century
There is definitely something wrong with the dude, that or all three of the women have something wrong(just really two of the women if look at edits)...but doubtful.

They might just be more reserved women, which is fine. He should just stop complaining like a girl and suck it up.

If they were real friends, he'd know how they would react before even asking. Kinda just glazed article, but don't think it mentions if they have BF's. If any one of them does, then he shouldn't of even asked in the first place. I know plenty of women friends I wouldn't ask things like this, but also know many more that would be fine with it.

From my angle, he just sounds like a whiny little girl, not sexist at all.

Last edited by MaJoR on Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:42 am; edited 1 time in total


4Is It Sexist? Empty Re: Is It Sexist? Thu Jan 31, 2013 4:40 am


Double Century
I wouldn't decide if it was sexist or not, purely because we don't know the entire details about how he converses with these women daily.
He could make them feel awkward or give silly little advances upon them often, which would give them plenty of reason to not want to share a room.

5Is It Sexist? Empty Re: Is It Sexist? Thu Jan 31, 2013 12:15 pm


I think the girls need to suck it up. If they are close friends, then they should be able to walk around in PJs and share a room together. Just girls don't just like to walk around in our underwear.

What bitches.


6Is It Sexist? Empty Re: Is It Sexist? Thu Jan 31, 2013 1:28 pm


Double Century
To agree with everyone else i don't think its sexist i think that perhaps they should reconsider how good friends they are i would think they'd be sympathetic to his position and if they weren't comfortable with it be honest enough to say so.

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