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1Consumer Ethics Empty Consumer Ethics Sat Jan 16, 2010 3:30 pm


Spectrum Addict
Seriously, I wouldn't mind paying more for my clothes and shoes if it meant that the people in China and Taiwan got better conditions and pay. I'm not willing to pay more for iPods though, those things are expensive and their profit margins are huge. Actually, so are clothes manufacturers. They make the top I'm wearing for what, 50 cents? Less? I think I paid $25 for it. Even if you factor in company marketing and
admin costs, that's surely one hell of a profit margin. Hell, my work happily (well, kinda happily) sells clothes on clearance for like 45% of their original price, and the company as a whole makes enough money
to pay everybody (including the overpaid CEOs).

Sadly there isn't a whole lot we can do in the way of clothes buying - everything is made in China by underpaid people. Except for of course, the stuff from those little shops that sell happy trade stuff. I think we have one shop in the whole of Perth that is that kind of shop. It's in the CBD somewhere.

Now I think about it, I reckon that everything we sell at my work is made my underpaid people in China. Apart from the food perhaps. Certainly puts my job into perspective. We all work for minimum wages so that people can buy clothes they don't need that will go out of fashion in six months. Well, kind of. Most customers I serve buy clothes that will wear for a long time, but you get my point. Plus, some of the stuff we sell is just plain ugly. The stuff we seem to sell least of is the gym wear. We sell a hell of a lot of plus sized and teenage girl clothing though. The lingerie that sells best? Plain briefs and boylegs. In packs. But that's probably the type of shop I work in (discount department store). If I worked in Myer or some high
class expensive shop instead, no doubt the customers there will buy more stupid things they don't need.

And I haven't even started on food and wool and leather yet. No to live international transport I reckon.


2Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Sun Jan 17, 2010 4:44 am


Spectrum Addict

But the people who buy these clothes dont care about the people in China, they jsut want the product at the most cheapest price...

3Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Thu Jan 21, 2010 3:57 pm


It is a shame that most of our clothes are made in China. The thing that annoys me the most are Bonds clothing. They used to all be made in Australia, but are now made it China. We are still paying the same amount for these clothing items, so because it is made in China now, they must be making so much money!

The conditions that these people have to work in and how much they get paid...is sad.

What is even more sad is child labour.
I was watching a documentary a few weeks back and they were interviewing a girl that worked in one of these factories.
She got paid a few cents a day. If she didn't make enough items in an hour, she got beaten. They could only go to the toilet when they were told to. If they took too long, they got beaten.
That is just horrible!


4Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:00 pm


Spectrum Addict
I've heard some pretty bad stories about the Chinese workers. Things have improved a lot in China over the last few decades but it's still pretty crap for a lot of people.


5Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:01 pm


The only thing I don't buy from China is food. I'm not very sure about buying those things.


6Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:16 pm


Spectrum Addict
I still buy Bonds undies and things, because they last forever, they still use good fabric and the workers make them well. But they are rather expensive compared to the other underwear I've seen at Kmart and Big W etc.


7Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:18 pm


Yeah. The fabric is made in Australia and then shipped off to China.


8Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Thu Jan 21, 2010 4:26 pm


Spectrum Addict
See that sort of thing doesn't even make sense. They're using up oil by doing it that way.


9Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Sat Jan 23, 2010 5:19 am


Millennium Bug
It makes sense because the labour is so cheap in china, if it was more expensive then australia wouldn't be buying things from china. I think the main problem for china is overpopulation anyway. You can't really fix poverty and bad working conditions when it is overpopulated so much, not enough resources to go around.

10Consumer Ethics Empty Re: Consumer Ethics Sat Jan 23, 2010 9:50 am


Took The First Step Towards Spectrum Addiction
Why are we worried so much? You still are going to buy the
clothes. You just pretending to really care, as if you really did you would probably
try to something more i.e. make your own clothes. But then you would probably
QQ over the people who get paid barely nothing to make the cloth and then you
would have to grow/weave your own so you could be all high and mighty and that
would take up way too much of your life just for one t-shirt...And then you
would fail at life and get back in your box...

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